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Meet us at trade fairs & stock exchanges

In theFall '22we were exhibitors at a fair for the very first time! Which is nothing less than the largest terrarium fair in the world - theTerraristics Hamm. As you know, we are not die-hard terrarium enthusiasts, but the fair has a huge area for small animals of all kinds and a lot of funky stuff, as well as many nice exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. The range of animals and accessories varies depending on the exhibitor there and we're really looking forward to it on a regular basis from now ona part of it to be and exhibit there

In addition to "normal" rodents such as hamsters, mice and rats, you will also find some exotic animals and, of course, a colorful mix of breeders and other like-minded pet enthusiasts. 

Please note:
Our prices on the exchanges deviate from our regular protection fees.
In addition to the usual rearing costs and additional costs, the exhibition and fuel costs must also be taken into account. 
Animals reserved in advance will of course be mediated at our regular fees. 


Information on terraristics

Next terraristics:   11.03.2023 

- takes place quarterly (March, June, September, December)
- approx.
100,000 visitorsper fair
- approx.
600 exhibitors(varies)
- Advance ticket sales on the day of the fair from 9 a.m
- admission
starting at 10 o'clock
- Entry€15.00 per person 
- children up6 yearshave free entry

Status: Teilnahme bestätigt 


Folgetermine:  27.09.26   |   26.09.27

Terra Börse (Hamburg)

Nächste Börse:  01.06.2025

- findet 1x jährlich statt
- Einlass ab 10 Uhr, endet um 15 Uhr (14 Uhr letzter Eintritt)
- Eintritt 8,00€ pro Erwachsenen und 2,00€ pro Kind (6-12j)
Familienkarte: 2 Erwachsene und 2 Kinder (bis 12) für 16,00€


Status: Teilnahme bestätigt 


Folgetermine:  Noch unbekannt

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